Lecture Programme

All will be at Letchworth Free Church hall, Gernon Rd, 8 pm, unless stated otherwise:

Tuesday 24th September 2019: ‘Wimpole at the time of the Roman Conquest’, by Paddy Lambert, Project Officer, Oxford Archaeology East.

Tuesday 15th October 2019: ‘Latest survey results from Ravensburgh Castle Iron Age Hill-Fort’, by Dr Ian Brown, Research Associate, Keble College, Oxford University.

Tuesday 19th November 2019: ‘A Romano-British Woman and her three babies from Baldock’, by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, North Hertfordshire Museum.

Tuesday 3rd December 2019: Members Xmas meeting. Wine & Cheese.

Tuesday 21st January 2020: ‘Excavation of an Early Anglo-Saxon settlement at Priors Hill, Pirton’, Mark Hinman, Senior Project Manager, Pre-Construct Archaeology.

Tuesday 17th March 2020: ‘Beacons of the Past – Hillforts in the Chilterns Landscape’ by Dr. Wendy Morrison, Project Manager, Chilterns Conservation Board.

Other possible lectures (dates to be arranged):

‘A multi-period excavated site at a quarry near Peterborough’, by Greg Farnworth Jones, Project Officer.

‘The Basilica and Portico wall excavations at Verulamium 2018’, by James Fairbairn, Senior Project Manager, Oxford Archaeology East.

‘Excavations at Hazel End, Bishops Stortford’, by Louisa Moan, Senior Project Manager, Oxford Archaeology East.


Council for British Archaeology 75th Anniversary Conference on Saturday 28th September 2019 in Ipswich: Ipswich IP-City Centre 1 Bath St Ipswich, 9.30 am to 5pm £25 including lunch. Lectures include Happisburgh, Verulamium (Kris Lockyer), Must Farm and Colchester contact cbaeast@arcgaeologyuk.orgs.

Society of Church Archaeology Annual Conference, Friday 27th-Sunday 29th September 2019 in St Albans:”Silent witness: The Archaeology of Burials, Churchyards and their contexts”. Friday Evening keynote Lecture by Martin Biddle St Albans Cathedral Archaeologist. See www.churcharchaeology.org/conferences/html for details of prices.

***In connection with this event, on Sunday 29th September, the latest version of the Hitchin Conservation Management Plan, an important planning and development tool, written by Joe Elders and Gil Burleigh, will be launched at St Mary’s Parish Church, Hitchin, with a display put together by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews and Gil on the occasion of a visit by conference delegates at 1.30 pm. The display will be in St Mary’s for some weeks before moving to other venues in Hitchin.


The Industrial Archaeology of North Hertfordshire’: a talk by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, of North Herts Museum Service. The Friends of Holy Saviour invite you to join them for this “Talk & Tea” event on Sunday 29th September, 3pm, Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Rd, Hitchin SG5 1QG. Tickets £10 (Friends of HS £8), which includes tea after the talk, from 01462 646257, or on the door.

Milton Keynes Archaeology Day, Saturday 2nd November 2019 at Christ the Cornerstone Church, 300 Saxon Gate, Milton Keynes MK9 2ES. Nick Crank, Senior Archaeological Officer, Milton Keynes Council, wrote to Gil asking Gil to give a talk: “This year we’re keen to focus on the theme of Community Archaeology, with a view to engaging with local societies and organisations with the possibilities for projects in Milton Keynes and vicinity. We will also showcase some local projects. With this in mind we’re keen to hear from individuals with experience in and perspectives on Community Archaeology. Would you be available to deliver a talk on the Pirton project? We’d be looking for a talk of up to 40 minutes plus questions, pitched at the aspiring amateur. Date and location as above. By the way of further background, I should note that this is a free event and that we try to offer something for all ages. I’m still putting this year’s programme together, but the talks will be in the afternoon with the focus in the morning on stands, displays and activities from local societies and archaeologists.” Gil will be talking about ‘Community Archaeology in North Hertfordshire’, focussing on Ashwell, Great Offley and Pirton. When Gil receives the full programme from Nick, this will be circulated.

Good News! In gratitude for the archaeological advice that Gil gave them in connection with their successful planning application for a new house and for the good work NHAS volunteers did by excavating some test pits on the site, Tom & Christine Gammell of Pirton have generously donated £1000 to our Society which they would like us to spend on a drone so that we may take aerial photographs of local sites.

Even better news! North Hertfordshire Museum, Brand St, Hitchin: do visit the new, now fully open, wonderful museum with its fascinating displays of archaeology, natural, local and social history, art, interactive displays, temporary exhibitions and so much more. There’s even a cafe serving food and drink. Something for everyone of all ages to enjoy and learn. Our grandchildren love it – the eight year old said “museums aren’t boring, they’re fun!” Congratulations to NHDC and especially the dedicated and hard-working museum staff.

Subscriptions 2019/20

Subscriptions became due on 1st June 2019. Please renew. The Society cannot continue to function without all members’ subscriptions. In particular, lecturers fees and expenses and hall hire have to come from subscriptions. Lack of sufficient income from subscriptions may result in fewer lectures. It’s up to us members. Thank you to all who have paid your subscription and renewed your membership. Outstanding subscriptions may be paid in person at any meeting when membership cards can usually be issued also. Otherwise subscription cheques may be posted to Diane Burleigh, NHAS, 10 Cromwell Way, Pirton, Hitchin, Herts SG5 3RD.

Please note 2019/20 Membership cards are now available and may be collected at any of our lectures. Adult £19, Family £24, Concessions (over 65, under 16), £10.

Non-members are welcome at any of our meetings. There will be a charge of £4 for entry.

Please renew your subscription otherwise you may be removed from our membership and circulation lists.

Thank you. www.nharchsoc.org

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