Tuesday 20th January 2015: “Norton Henge and the Neolithic of East Letchworth”, by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, NHDC Archaeology Officer. Letchworth Free Church (small hall), 8 pm. Keith tells me that he will be including a surprise for us in his talk.
Saturday 28th February 2015: Site Visit to Ravensburgh Castle Iron Age Hillfort, Hexton. A guided tour will be led by Patrick Ashley-Cooper, the landowner, and Gil Burleigh. Meet outside the entrance gates to Hexton Manor at 10 am. It will be very helpful if members would let me know in advance if they will be coming on this guided walk. Thank you.
April 2015: “50 years Digging – Adventures of an Archaeologist”, by Gil Burleigh, NHAS Hon. Field Officer.
May 2015: Annual General Meeting.
September 2015: “The First Humans in Britain”, by Dr. Nick Ashton, Curator, Dept. of Prehistory and Early Europe, The British Museum. This will be a public lecture with a reduced admission charge for members.
Tuesday 27th October 2015: “Excavations at Silchester and the Origins of Towns in Britain”, by Prof. Mike Fulford, Reading University. Letchworth Free Church, 8 pm. This will be a public lecture with a reduced admission charge for members.
Exhibition at The British Museum:
Eight mummies, eight lives, eight stories
Extended until 19 April 2015
Ancient lives, new discoveries
DEA SENUNA: TREASURE, CULT AND RITUAL AT ASHWELL, HERTFORDSHIRE by Ralph Jackson and Gilbert Burleigh and numerous other contributors will be published by the British Museum later in 2015. See attachment.
2014/15 Subscriptions became due on 1st June 2014. Please renew now. The Society cannot continue to function without all members’ subscriptions. In particular, lecturers fees and expenses and hall hire have to come from subscriptions. Lack of sufficient income from subscriptions may result in fewer lectures. It’s up to us members.
Outstanding subscriptions may be paid in person at any meeting when membership cards can usually be issued also. Otherwise subscription cheques may be posted to Diane Burleigh, NHAS, 10 Cromwell Way, Pirton, Hitchin, Herts SG5 3RD.
Adult £19, Family £24, Concessions (over 65, under 16), £10.
Non-members are welcome at any of our meetings. There will be a charge of £4 for entry.
Please renew your subscription otherwise you may be removed from our membership and circulation lists.
Thank you.
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