Happy New Year!
Apologies for the short-notice re the postponement of the January lecture. This was due to Diane and I attending a family funeral. Apologies too to those of you who didn’t receive the emailed notice of postponement. This was due to my email service playing up. The lecture will be given in April instead.
All lectures are at the Letchworth Free Church hall, Norton Way South at 8 pm unless stated otherwise.
Tuesday 18th February 2020: ‘Excavations at Warth Park, Raunds, Northamptonshire’ by Louise Moan, Senior Project Manager, Oxford Archaeology East.
Tuesday 17th March 2020: ‘Beacons of the Past – Hillforts in the Chilterns Landscape’ by Dr Wendy Morrison, Project Manager, Chilterns Conservation Board.
April 2020 (date to be arranged): ‘Excavation of an Early Anglo-Saxon settlement at Priors Hill, Pirton’, by Mark Hinman, Director and Regional Manager, Pre-Construct Archaeology. This lecture will be probably at the Lucas Room, North Herts Museum/Hitchin Town Hall.

Dea Senuna: Treasure, Cult and Ritual at Ashwell, Hertfordshire by Ralph Jackson and Gilbert Burleigh, published in March 2018, has been re-printed and is, as far as I know, still available for sale at the British Museum bookshop:
The PDF version is available to see/browse/read/download at the British Museum website:
Click on the drop-down menu for Research Publications and you will find the Dea Senuna PDF.
The article on ‘Ashwell’s Lost Roman Goddess’, published in Hertfordshire Life magazine in July 2018 is available online (minus one or two photographs): http://www.hertfordshirelife.co.uk/home/history-the-goddess-of-Ashwell-1-5646728
There have been now several reviews of the report published in academic journals. I attach them here along with some comments to me from distinguished academics, members and friends for your interest. Remember that the project was largely a community one and could not have been a success and brought to publication without the enthusiastic and dedicated hard work of all the NHAS and other volunteers, as well as the professionals. Any credit in these reviews and comments is due to everyone who participated.
The short article by Charles Higham in Current World Archaeology no. 99, Feb/March 2020 is of particular interest. He is Professor of Archaeology at Otago University, New Zealand, and his brother, Richard, with John Morris, led the excavations in Pricem’s field, Ashwell End, in 1972, the precursor to our Senuna excavations, when they were all Ashwell residents. Incidentally, this was our Keith F-M’s first excavation.
The review by Alessandra Esposito was published in the journal Britannia 2019.
2019/20 Subscriptions became due on 1st June 2019. Please renew. The Society cannot continue to function without all members’ subscriptions. In particular, lecturers’ fees and expenses and hall hire have to come from subscriptions. Lack of sufficient income from subscriptions may result in fewer lectures. It’s up to us members. Thank you to all who have paid your subscription and renewed your membership.
Outstanding subscriptions may be paid in person at any meeting when membership cards can usually be issued also. Otherwise subscription cheques may be posted to Diane Burleigh, NHAS, 10 Cromwell Way, Pirton, Hitchin, Herts SG5 3RD.
Please note 2019/20 Membership cards are now available and may be collected at any of our lectures.
Adult £19, Family £24, Concessions (over 65, under 16), £10.
Non-members are welcome at any of our meetings. There will be a charge of £4 for entry.
Please renew your subscription otherwise you may be removed from our membership and circulation lists.
Thank you.
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